Thursday, September 29, 2011

College Senior: Caitlin Horse farm Shoot

Got to go out and do some college senior photos with one the head photographers at the studio I work at. I wanted to get practice but this was a fun shoot. Overcast day couldn't get any better for lighting. The horse is 26 years old which I think is amazing for a little welsh pony quarter horse mix. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

More Wedding

More of Bryan and Crystal's Wedding. This is more of the Reception and the ceremony. Enjoy!
~Rach (PS the Moose is their cake topper because they are hikers)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bryan and Crystal's Wedding

I did my first wedding last weekend. It was exhausting but a lot of fun. I couldn't of asked for a better couple. Bryan and Crystal were absolutely adorable and so was the bridal party. Weddings are so much fun because everyone is happy no matter what. Just seeing the love in the eyes of both of them made me think how I want my wedding to go. I hope to get married at some point. I wanna find that special man who looks at me like Bryan looks at Crystal (which you can see he is beaming in every photo.) These are the first batch to edit. Hope y'all like =)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Some College Stuff

This was a project in college where we had to incorporate water with light. I decided to do portraits of my friends through different glasses of water. These were the results. Enjoy!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Eastern State Penitentiary

So when I was in college, I did a photo shoot at Eastern State in Philly. For those of you who don't know me, I love ghosts. I love looking for ghosts, ghost stories etc. I thought ESP would be a great place to find some ghosts and do a photo shoot for a documentary photo project. I recommend going there. Its only $25.00 for photography pass and you can get a guide who takes you where there are no tourists and just you in the cells. It was freaky but got some amazing shots. Will be returning there soon. Enjoy!